CASA of Kent County improves the lives of children who have been abused and neglected by pairing them with a trained volunteer advocate.

We Believe

Our children are our future. As citizens of Kent County, we have an interest in the wellbeing of children in our community. Because of this, CASA leverages community resources from donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders to positively impact the lives of children who have been traumatized by abuse and neglect.

Our Impact

In the overburdened and under-resourced child welfare system, most professionals support multiple children and families. The CASA volunteer, however, focuses on just one child or sibling group. Children with a CASA receive more services, have fewer foster care placements, perform better in school, and report significantly higher levels of hope. They also reach placement in a safe, permanent home more quickly, most often with their parents.


children served in 2024


active volunteers in 2024


volunteer hours in 2024

Case outcomes for 2023

  • 39% adopted
  • 21% reunified with their parents
  • 6% turned 18 or 21 without a permanent home
  • 19% other*
  • 15% placed in guardianship

*Includes cases that were closed for a variety of reasons: CASA volunteers who were unable to keep their commitment, children whose location is unknown, a case that was transferred out of county, and a CASA discharged for reasons of personal safety.

How It Works

Child abuse and neglect are community problems; CASA is a community-centered solution.

CASA is funded locally by donors, corporations, foundations, and the court. With this financial support, CASA recruits, screens, and trains community members so that they are fully equipped to advocate for vulnerable children in Kent County. This advocacy not only impacts families today but also generations to come.


CASA volunteers receive 30 hours of intensive training specific to their role as a volunteer in Kent County. They learn from staff, court personnel, community professionals, and experienced CASAs.


After volunteers complete training, they are sworn in by a judge as officers of the court. Next, each volunteer meets with an advocate supervisor to choose a family court case with a child or sibling group that best fits their qualifications and interest.


Once a volunteer chooses a case, they read background information and start building relationships with the child and other stakeholders on the case. This is the first step in the long road of advocacy. CASA volunteers stay with the child or sibling group until they can return to a safe, permanent home.

Spotlight Stories


The James Siblings and Jess

The James siblings have never known a stable home. Their father has been incarcerated since they were young…

CASA Stories Amy and Emma

The Gift of Advocacy

When law enforcement officers were called to the Wilsons’ apartment, they found the place in an unlivable state of disarray.

CASA Stories - Janelle and Miguel

Volunteer Perspectives: Be Their Voice

Every child has a story. CASA volunteers help them speak up.

Join us for a volunteer interest mixer! - learn more about CASA!

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